外層有BIONIC-FINISH®ECO 這種防水防污的技術,它不含PFC,對環境友好,並具有更好的持久性和可持續性。
Lite Pak 1200專為夏季露營,騎自行車或獨木舟旅行而設計,是一款輕巧的木乃伊形睡袋,尺寸為XL尺寸,但包裝小巧。 Lite Pak 1200具有柔軟,寬鬆的外殼(=無針腳),可最大程度地減少凍斑,透氣的襯里和高絕緣能力的高檔DuraLoft®H1填充物。 DuraLoft®H1易於壓縮,經久耐用,即使在潮濕條件下也能保持其溫暖特性,並且可以快速乾燥。睡袋還設有可調節形狀的罩子,長至兩腳的長至兩部分的拉鍊,拉鍊擋板和內部口袋,以確保貴重物品的安全。符合人體工程學的拉鍊頭可輕鬆抓握。最大使用者身高為195厘米。可在30°C機洗。
- 尺寸:210x75 / 50cm
- 重量: 1200g
- 包裝尺寸: 30 xØ16厘米
- 容量:6L帶拉繩和繩扣
- 縫製的外罩可保護睡袋免受灰塵和污垢的侵害
The shell is impregnated with BIONIC-FINISH®ECO. This water and soil repellent technology is PFC-free and environmentally friendly combined with better permanence and sustainability.
Conceived for summer camping, cycling or canoe trips, the Lite Pak 1200 is a lightweight mummy shaped sleeping bag in XL-size, but with a small package. The Lite Pak 1200 has a soft, loose shell (=without stitches) minimising cold spots , a breathable lining and high grade Dura Loft® H1 filling with a high insulation capacity. Dura Loft® H1 can be compressed easily, is durable, maintains its warmth properties even in moist conditions and dries quickly. The sleeping bag also features an adjustable shaped hood, a long 2-way zipper till the foot part, a zipper baffle and an inner pocket to keep valuables safe . The ergonomic zipper puller is shaped for easy gripping. Maximum user height is 195cm. Machine washable at 30°C.
- Sizes: 210x75/50cm
- Weight: ca. 1200g
- Pack size: ca. 30 x Ø 16 cm.
- Volume: 6 L Stuff sac with drawstring and cord lock
- The sewn-in cover protects the sleeping bag against dust and dirt